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                Get Ready For

                The Intelligent Construction Age of AEC Industry




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                BETTER WITH BIM









                Through BIM, Autodesk is helping Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) professionals move towards more collaborative, automated and more successful ways of working
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                Plan, design, construct, and manage buildings with powerful tools for...


                Geospatial and engineering BIM platform for planning, design, and analysis

                Civil 3D

                Civil engineering design and construction documentation

                Advance Steel

                3D modeling software for steel detailing


                BIM professional software for curtain wall deepening and complex pipe corridors...


                Control outcomes with clash detection and advanced coordination, 5D analysis...

                BIM for architectural design   Details

                Applicable to BIM of mech...  Details

                BIM for ancient engineering   Details

                Digitization is the icing on the cake for the construction industry


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                BIM for the infrastructure industry


                AutoCAD One


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                Sub Maintenance Plan    Details