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                  Solution - Structural Engineering

                BIM for structures
                Building Information Modeling (BIM) helps structural engineers optimize designs, improve collaboration, and deliver projects faster. Using BIM, structural engineers can make more informed design decisions, automate construction documentation, and produce more constructible designs.



                How is BIM used?

                BIM is an intelligent, 3D model-based process that helps structural professionals to design, detail, document, and fabricate structural systems. BIM enables project teams to work more collaboratively – helping to optimize designs, improve accuracy, and connect design to fabrication.




                See how structural firms are using BIM


                For a new airport terminal in Guilin, China, SSEC used BIM to detail, fabricate, and construct a complex steel structure that embodies the area’s distinctive landscape.



                Open Project

                Open Project designed and detailed a secure, multi-layered structure for the factory and headquarters of Italian fine-jewelry and watch maker Bulgari.



                Basler Hofmann AG

                Basler & Hoffmann AG embraced BIM throughout an entire building addition project, enabling every stakeholder to work from a single model.



                BIM Software for Structural Engineering

                Autodesk’s BIM tools help structural engineers, detailers, and fabricators to work more efficiently and improve project outcomes



                Featured Resources

                BIM Pilot Guide

                This Guide Provides an introduction on what successful BIM implementation looks like in practice, and how firms can get started in their project.



                The Move from 2D to 3D

                Learn how to overcome business challenges and gain a competitive edge by moving to BIM-based structural detailing.



                Connecting Design and Construction

                This report outlines how designers, fabricators, and contractors are using BIM to collaborate more effectively.