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                  Solution - Power transformation

                BIM special solution for substation engineering


                BIM special solution for substation engineering



                Autodesk Revit

                Architecture Function

                Architectural model of substation: add professional architectural elements to the building model of substation, including wall, door, window, curtain wall, staircase, floor slab, ramp, roof and other components




                Architectural BIM model of 110KV substation



                Architectural BIM model of 220KV substation



                Architecture Model:Design Options

                With design options, designers can develop, compute, and redesign architectural components and rooms in a single project document.Some designers can also work with specific options, such as changes in room patterns, while others can continue with the master model.


                The complexity of the design options can vary.For example, the designer may want to explore alternatives to the entrance design, or the structural system of the roof.As the project progresses, design options become more centralized.They are usually used for the following purposes :


                Change substation entrance design

                Explore different layouts of substation rooms or equipment

                Try different window configurations for substations

                Develop a sustainable substation backup plan



                Architectural model: Room area and color filling

                Identify and color fill the room layout of the substation



                Autodesk Revit

                Structure Function

                Create a structural model of substation: add professional structural elements to the structural model of substation, including structural columns, beams, structural floor, structural walls, structural foundation roof and other components




                Structural BIM model of 110KV substation



                Structural BIM model of 220KV substation



                Autodesk Revit

                Structure Model

                Physical and analytical model

                Create a physical model for coordination and documentation, and an associated analytical model for structural analysis.



                Architecture & Structure: Reinforcing the structural model



                Architecture & Structure BIM model of 110KV substation



                Architecture & Structure BIM model of 220KV substation



                Customize and substation related to various family components



                Architecture: Set up the reference terrain around the main substation to generate the general map



                Architecture Visualization:Materials, Lighting,Camera Rendering, Walkthrough

                The existing models are provided with materials and natural or artificial light sources are added for rendering, so that the main body of the substation building can be presented with a more realistic effect, providing reference and basis for the design decision.In addition, the whole substation can be displayed from outside to inside and from bottom to top with the effect of dynamic tour, providing a more intuitive visual basis for project evaluation.



                Autodesk Revit

                MEP Engineering

                Professional MEP modules and components to create mechanical and electrical BIM model



                MEP: create the hvac and water supply and drainage system of the substation



                Substation: Set up substation substation equipment and bridge system



                Archtecture & Structure & MEP & Substation: integration of main structure of substation and hvac and water supply and drainage system model



                Substation: Create “Electrical Primary" design related substation equipment




                Substation: Create “Electrical Primary" design related substation equipment



                Substation: Detailed creation of substation equipment model



                The substation BIM model of 110KV substation



                The substation BIM model of 220KV substation



                Integration MEP & MEP BIM model of 110KV substation



                Collaborative design: collaborative design using the working set function in the same LAN



                Interference Check and MEP Integration



                The Architecture Profession Create Shop Drawings



                The Structure Profession Create Shop Drawings




                The HVAC Profession Create Shop Drawings




                Create and deepen the main steel structure model of steel structure substation




                Create steel structure deepening drawings to produce clearer engineering drawings for site assembly



                Structural Precast Extension for Revit

                The main components of PC substation are divided into plates

                Prefabricated girder floor automation

                Execution segment; Add reinforcement according to predefined rules; Generate construction drawings; And run the CAM table export



                The main components of PC substation are divided into plates and connected to the factory for processing



                Substation model: Lightly browse the BIM model and review the comments, measurements and queries



                Substation model: Review and annotate the BIM model, conduct collision detection, simulate construction and so on



                AUTODESK RENDERING

                Fast, high resolution rendering in the cloud

                With cloud rendering, you can take advantage of virtually infinite computing power to create photorealistic and high-resolution images in less time.



                With AutoCAD Mobile App's powerful Mobile application and the ability to view, edit and share DWG graphics anytime, anywhere, designers can check and mark drawings and simplify site viewing and field work.



                The A360's powerful mobile applications and ability to view, annotate and tag, and share 3d models can help designers optimize design, visualization, simulation, and sharing processes anytime, anywhere.



                Enhance visualization and combine with virtual reality technology

                By combining Revit models with professional 3d visualization and virtual reality (VR) software Twinmotion, static renderings of substations and travel animations can be generated at a very fast speed.And the extraordinary response makes designers and other project participants as if they are in an interactive substation ecosystem, to help designers design, share and display their substation design results.



                Enhance visualization and combine with virtual reality technology

                Twinmotion can export animated video formats that support watching with 3D glasses, just like watching a substation in a 3D movie.Perfect rendering of the substation inside and outside the realistic scene.