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                  Solution - MEP Engineering

                Benefits of BIM for MEP

                Building Information Modeling (BIM) helps MEP firms improve accuracy, reduce and resolve clashes, and optimize building systems design. MEP BIM software helps project teams improve collaboration, share data, and speed project delivery from design to construction.



                How is BIM used for MEP?

                BIM is an intelligent, 3D model-based process that helps MEP professionals design, detail, and document building systems more efficiently. Working in a BIM process gives project teams more insight into designs and constructability, reducing risk and improving outcomes.




                See how MEP firms are using BIM

                Mechanical, INC

                Mechanical, Inc. and Pipefitters Local 597 are using BIM to improve model accuracy in the office and minimize rework and reduce waste in the fabrication shop.




                Using BIM 360 Design, engineers and designers were able to boost productivity, improve collaboration, and condense months-long project phases into days for a net-zero Sacramento high-rise.



                Johnson Controls

                This MEP firm used BIM-based energy analysis to design building systems for its new Asia-Pacific headquarters in Shanghai – China’s first triple-certified green building.



                BIM solutions for MEP engineering and fabrication

                Autodesk’s collection of BIM solutions help MEP professionals to work more efficiently across every phase of the project and improve building outcomes.



                Featured Resources

                Getting Started with BIM

                With this free Guide, find out what steps you can take to prepare for your BIM project



                Bring BIM and BEM together

                Learn how to integrate BIM with Building Energy Modeling (BEM).



                The best of BIM

                Read seven brief stories that illustrate the benefits of BIM across AEC.