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                  Autodesk - Product Design Manufacture Collabration

                Product Design Manufacturing Collection Product introduction



                Hot products:Inventor
                Mechanical design and 3D CAD software
                Professional-grade 3D CAD software for product design and engineering



                Hot products:AutoCAD
                Software for 2D and 3D CAD. Subscription includes AutoCAD, specialized toolsets, and apps.



                Hot products:Inventor Nastran
                CAD-embedded finite element analysis software
                ·Use a wider variety of study types and materials in your analysis
                ·Inventor Nastran is available only in the Product Design & Manufacturing Collection



                Hot products:Inventor Tolerance Analysis
                Inventor Tolerance Analysis software is designed to understand the cost impact of dimensional variation.
                ·Analyze models to derive cost impacts of dimensional variation
                ·Get it in the Product Design & Manufacturing Collection



                Hot products:Nesting Utility
                A CAD embedded real shape nesting software. It can help users optimize the utilization rate of raw materials. Product design and manufacturing software only. Real shape nested software for Inventor optimizes the utilization of raw materials for the flat plate



                Hot products:Inventor CAM
                Integrated 2.5- to 5-axis CAD/CAM programming solution for Inventor and SOLIDWORKS—available as
                Inventor CAM and HSMWorks.
                Integrated CAM software for Inventor simplifies CNC programming processes.



                The collection also includes factory layout, data management, and other specialty software:Factory Design Utilities
                Conceptualize, plan, and validate manufacturing facilities
                Factory design software to plan, design, and install an efficient factory layout


                The collection also includes factory layout, data management, and other specialty software:Vault
                Product data management software
                Securely manage data, track revisions, and collaborate with PDM software

                Safely manage design data in one central location;Speed up the design process with product data management (PDM);Collaborate more, both internally and externally



                The collection also includes factory layout, data management, and other specialty software:Fusion 360
                Next generation cloud-based 3D CAD/CAM/CAE software for end-to-end product design and manufacturing Integrated CAD, CAM, and CAE software. Eliminate your disconnected product development process. Unify design, engineering, and manufacturing into a single platform.



                The collection also includes factory layout, data management, and other specialty software:Navisworks Manage
                Control outcomes with clash detection and advanced coordination, 5D analysis, and simulation tools.



                The collection also includes factory layout, data management, and other specialty software:3ds Max
                3D modeling, animation, and rendering software for games and design visualization



                The collection also includes factory layout, data management, and other specialty software:ReCap Pro
                Reality capture and 3D scanning software and services
                Reality capture and 3D scanning software for intelligent model creation



                The collection also includes factory layout, data management, and other specialty software:Hsmworks
                Simplify your machining workflow with embedded CAM software for SOLIDWORKS.
                Simplify your machining workflow with CAD/CAM integration
                2.5-axis CAM for milling and drilling



                The collection also includes factory layout, data management, and other specialty software:Autodesk Rendering
                Fast, high-resolution renderings in the cloud
                Fast, high-resolution cloud rendering With cloud rendering, you can take advantage of virtually infinite computing power to create photorealistic and high-resolution images in less time.



                The collection also includes factory layout, data management, and other specialty software:Autodesk Drive

                CAD-aware cloud storage for individuals and small teams
                Securely store, preview, and share your 2D and 3D design data.



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