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                  About Us - Join Us

                Recruiting Position:Product sales(Preferential interview & treatment)


                Recruiting’s requirements:

                Handle affairs carefully efficient;Clear thinking, strong organization, actively diligence, there is a certain compressive capacity;Good communication and communication ability;Have good service consciousness and team cooperation spirit;Engaged in software sales and marketer preferred.

                Resume sending email:lzh@tupperfarms.com


                Recruiting Position:Telephone sales(Preferential interview & treatment)


                Recruiting’s requirements:

                Have good telephone communication and communication ability, and develop ability of information;Accurate, the thought is agile, strong logicality, and strive to hard work, strong compressive capacity;Good business sense of smell and team cooperation spirit;Engaged in telephone marketing or related, similar to a plus.

                Resume sending email:lzh@tupperfarms.com


                Position: BIM technical engineer


                · Responsibilities:
                1)Responsible for the support, training, demonstration, introduction and other related work of Autodesk series products and BIM technology
                2)Responsible for formulating and promoting Autodesk BIM specific or overall solutions for other engineering construction industries such as housing construction and infrastructure construction
                3)Responsible for technical support, training, demonstration, introduction and other related work of Bentley's BIM products in infrastructure industry
                4)Responsible for providing Bentley infrastructure BIM solutions to customers


                · Job requirements:
                1)Formal college degree or above, engineering construction related professional background, preferably with road, bridge, pipe corridor, tunnel or steel structure, curtain wall and other professional background
                2)Understand the basic knowledge of the housing construction and infrastructure industry, and have the professional ability to read and recognize maps of housing construction and infrastructure
                3)Proficient in Civil 3D, AutoCAD and other software. And Revit, Infraworks and OpenRoads are better
                4)Have good communication, coordination and presentation skills, can independently make PPT and write technical plans, and have good team spirit
                5)Working experience in design institute or construction company is preferred


                · Contact: Manager Cai
                · Contact Tel: 5424 5765, 5427 0878, 5427 0710, 5427 5763
                · Email: cm@tupperfarms.com