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                  Service Support - Technical Support

                A successful and creative project team will have a thoughtful and to the technical team to give silent support! As the gold channel and BIM professional service provider of autotec in Shanghai, Shanghai Okeyi has always been adhering to the good service tradition and consciousness, relying on its strong technical strength and personnel reserve, and providing the following after-sales service and relevant technical support for the majority of customers in the industry. Every customer who has bought Autodesk genuine software products through Shanghai Okeyi company can enjoy the following technical support and after-sales service. Details are as follows:


                I. Account Management

                Users who have purchased genuine Autodesk products in Shanghai Okeyi company can enjoy the services provided by our professional technical engineers, including: obtaining fixed term license rights by using Autodesk ID, assisting access and management and other related services


                1.Get started quickly
                2.Corporate or personal data management
                3.Fixed term license renewal and billing
                4.Manage software users
                5.Conversion to a fixed term license
                6.Introduction to Autodesk Account and how to use it



                II. Download and Install

                All customers who have purchased genuine autodesk products in Shanghai Okeyi can enjoy the services provided by our professional technical engineers, including rapid registration and start-up software


                1.Download the product
                2.Install software
                3.Get the activation code
                4.Registration activation
                5.Start the download finder
                6.Introduction to how to use Autodesk desktop applications




                III. Network License Management

                Users who have purchased genuine Autodesk products from okay Shanghai Okeyi can enjoy the services provided by our professional technical engineers, including the planning and creation of web servers for distribution of Autodesk software and licensing services


                1.Prepare for network licensing
                2.Installation and configuration
                3.Manage network licenses
                4.Network deployment



                IV. Electronic Technical Support

                All customers who buy genuine autodesk products in Shanghai Okeyi company and encounter technical problems in the process of using the software can call, mail or WeChat to the technical department of our company for consultation and support, our professional technical engineers will respond in a timely manner and provide you with professional technical solutions



                V. On-site Technical Support

                If the customers who buy the genuine autodesk products in Shanghai Okeyi company encounter some complicated technical problems in the process of using the software, which are inconvenient to solve by telephone, email and WeChat, our company will assign professional technical engineers to provide on-site technical support for the customers' technical problems



                VI. Visit and Return Visit

                For customers who purchase genuine autodesk products in Shanghai Okeyi, our company will make regular or irregular visits or technical return visits to customers according to their actual conditions and work needs, so as to timely collect and understand customers' technical problems or needs



                VII. Product or Solution Introduction

                Users who have purchased genuine autodesk products in Shanghai Okeyi, whether or not, can apply to our company for in-door introduction or demonstration if they want to know the functions and combined applications of other autodesk products, as well as specific or overall BIM solutions for different professional fields. Our company will assign professional technical engineers to carry out relevant technical demonstration and introduction for customers.?


                In particular, AECC is a large and complex set of BIM professional tools and software, including 15 or 16 desktop software and five cloud tools, covering the two fields of housing construction and infrastructure, as well as the design and construction industries. The content is very rich and various, there is no professional introduction and publicity, it is difficult to understand. Therefore, Shanghai Okeyi company will assign professional technical engineers to come to customers through PPT, and explain and express in detail in the way of pictures and pictures.




                In addition, if the software version purchased or used by the customer is upgraded, the customer can also apply to our company for new function introduction or training. We will also assign professional technical engineers to visit the customer to introduce the new functions and enhanced features in the new version of the software.



                VIII. BIM Certification and Assessment

                No matter whether the user has bought the genuine Autodesk products in Shanghai Okeyi company or not, as long as he or she applies to our company, our company will help organize and participate in the "product expert certification" assessment organized by Autodesk, and the national BIM level skill certification assessment jointly organized by the ministry of human resources protection and China association of graphics.

                Those who pass will receive the certification certificate of a product issued by Autodesk (the examination fee shall be borne by themselves) and the BIM level qualification certificate jointly issued by the ministry of human resources protection and China association of graphics (the examination fee shall be borne by themselves).



                IX. BIM Information

                Any customer who has any cooperation experience with Shanghai Okeyi company (including software procurement, training and consultation, etc.) will enjoy the relevant product information and preferential policies of Autodesk as well as the news of new product launch of Autodesk promoted by our company through telephone, fax, email, WeChat and other electronic means.



                Customers who have any experience in cooperation with Shanghai Okeyi company (including software procurement, training and consulting, etc.) will enjoy special access to the relevant technical materials, including products and case sets, delivered by our company from time to time to customers who need them.



                X. Attend Meetings

                Any customer who has any cooperation experience with Shanghai Okeyi company (including software procurement, training consulting, etc.) can be recommended to participate in the official activities such as customer communication conferences and new product release conferences hosted by our company or Autodesk. Our company will inform customers in the first time by telephone, fax or email and WeChat. If there is any attendance fee, the client will pay for it.



                XI. BIM Competition

                Any customer who has any cooperation experience with Shanghai Okeyi company (including software procurement, training consultation, etc.) can be notified to participate in various BIM competitions organized by Autodesk and other relevant technical activities.