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                Windows 10


                Windows 10 is an operating system developed by Microsoft for computers and tablets. It was officially released on July 29, 2015. The Windows 10 operating system has been greatly improved in terms of ease of use and security. In addition to integrating new technologies such as cloud services, smart mobile devices and natural human-computer interaction, it has also optimized and supported hardware such as solid-state drives, biometrics and high-resolution screens.


                Office 365


                Office 365 is a subscription-based, cross-platform Office offering a variety of services based on cloud platforms. By combining applications like Excel and Outlook with powerful cloud services like OneDrive and Microsoft Teams, Office 365 allows anyone to create and share content anytime, anywhere, on any device. An annual subscription to the cloud for advanced Office applications on Windows PC/Mac, tablets and mobile phones. A single account can install Office on all your devices for more efficient and cool features, with free monthly updates and 1TB of OneDrive cloud storage.