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                  Service Support - Value-added Services

                A successful and excellent service enterprise, its ability is not only reflected in the sales of several sets of software, more important is: to be able to think what customers think, urgent customers, to provide customers with a complete set of solutions including software tools. Shanghai Okeyi company is not only the gold channel of autodesk company in Shanghai, but also the professional service provider certified by autodesk. Different from other ordinary single agent in China, it only provides pure software sales to customers. Shanghai Okeyi in accordance with the company, as the most major BIM solution at present in the Shanghai area core service provider, for many large construction contractor enterprise in Shanghai and even the whole country and design institute to provide the professional skills of BIM products and special solutions to training services, at the same time also participated in Shanghai, many large projects plus consulting services. Therefore, while carrying out the software sales business, Shanghai Okeyi company also vigorously develops and provides overall or special BIM solutions for the nationwide industrial customers including housing construction and infrastructure construction, forming a one-stop service of production, training and consultation. Shanghai Okeyi has been adhering to the warm and thoughtful service concept, has the industry‘s top professional technical engineer service team, and dedicated to provide your company with professional technical services. Through professional technology and dedicated service to your company information construction and production to provide strong technical support. The following value-added services are paid for by Shanghai Okeyi corporation for its clients in the engineering and construction (AEC) industry. Details are as follows:


                1.BIM Training Service

                In order to be able to better develop and reserve talent plus one for the general customers, Shanghai Okeyi in accordance with the actual situation of company will be more customers, provide professional product training, customized training has Autodesk products, radiation of other industry related products. The client can choose appropriate training according to their own needs



                2.BIM Consulting Services

                The implementation method of this consulting service is mainly customer (production), supplemented by Shanghai Okeyi information technology co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as our company). With the rich experience accumulated in the past BIM implementation process of our company, we will cooperate with and guide customers to implement their own BIM plan. For as a representative of the customer base in a variety of different across the different characteristics and situations of engineering project, we will with professional consultant role into the customer's work process, provide for the customer, including: demand analysis, process development, staffing, tracking, support, project coordination, specifications, standards, research content, the whole life cycle of the project consulting services and complete solutions of the system.



                3.BIM customized service

                Through customized BIM technical services, assist participants or suppliers in specific links in the project to connect the upstream and downstream data and information transmission, so as to help customers realize interconnected BIM.