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                  Solution - Construction management

                What is BIM in Construction?

                BIM in construction is the use of digital 3D models during the construction process. Learn the history, roles & more.



                10 Benefits of BIM in Construction

                BIM allows projects to be built virtually before they are constructed physically, eliminating many of the inefficiencies and problems that arise during the construction process. Learn about the top benefits.




                Introducing Autodesk Construction Cloud

                Autodesk Construction Cloud combines next-generation technology, a robust network of professionals and firms, and powerful predictive analytics to help your business thrive across all phases of construction.



                Autodesk Construction Cloud products




                Winning in Preconstruction

                Ensure your preconstruction team gets it right the first time, every time.



                Better BIM Coordination for Better Outcomes

                By automating coordination tasks, teams can quickly identify and resolve problems between disciplines.



                The KPIs of Construction

                BIM is all about the data, and data helps make better decisions. Find out the metrics that matter.