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                Fixed term license customers exclusive rights to order

                Order autodesk products fixed term license is to use and management of design, engineering, and software tools more flexible and more economical way.


                From individual to group, from small to large enterprises, flexible fixed term license will make customers according to their own business needs to better manage the prophase investment and budget, and try new tools.
                Access options
                •Single (people) user access - if only one person need to use the software, so this option is a better choice
                •Many (people) user access - if you need multiple users sharing software license, then this option is the ideal choice
                The length of the flexible term
                Provide quarterly, annual and multi-year options, you can get really want software in the required deadline.
                Using the latest version of the software
                After ordering fixed term license, under the condition of permission, you can immediate access to the latest product version and enhancements.
                Using the software anywhere, anytime
                Under the condition of the license, the use of authorized access, global travel home use software can be used in multiple locations, including in the home or travel.At the same time, through the right to use the previous version and under the condition of the license, can use the latest version also can use the previous version.
                Technical support
                •Get support autodesk senior expert help
                •Access to have a webmaster BBS community support
                •Electronic learning opportunities and exclusive training webcasts


                Management tool
                Customers can through the Autodesk Account easily and efficiently manage software licenses, position, and use.
                Learn more about Autodesk Subscription advantage, please visit:http://www.autodesk.com.cn/subscription