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                Twinmotion Product Introduction

                Real-time immersive 3D architectural visualization

                Easily produce high-quality images, panoramas, and standard or 360° VR videos in seconds! For architecture, construction, urban planning, and landscaping professionals, Twinmotion combines an intuitive icon-driven interface with the power of Unreal Engine.


                Twinmotion Chinese User Case


                Shanghai Sunyat Architectural Design Co., LTD is affiliated to sanyi China. Founded in 1984, sanyi is one of the top ten private design institutions in China.Headquartered in Shanghai, it has offices in various regions of China, including Nanjing, Jinan, Xi ‘an, Chengdu and Zhengzhou. Shanghai Sunyat Architectural Design Co., Ltd. is also one of the earliest design companies in the field of domestic engineering construction (AEC) to use Twinmotion products to serve commercial architectural design projects.


                Twinmotion Foreign User Case


                If before designers rely on 3ds Max level to render film rendering and animation, so foreign designers have now Twinmotion as a professional solution of BIM visualization tools and virtual reality applications in architectural design, interior design, landscape design, and other areas of the visual communication and create a good quality photo image, enough to match the 3ds Max render the effect of the image.