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                The national technical tour for China Constructution Eighth Engineering Division.Corp.Ltd

                I. tour date: 2019 At the end of 2018, CSCEC8B collectively purchased a total of 500 sets of Autodesk engineering construction software (AECC) for 21 branches in China in the form of unified purchase. Starting from march and April 2019, Shanghai Okeyi information technology co., ltd. launched a national technical tour and BIM publicity and implementation training for branches of China construction engineering 8th engineering corporation that have purchased AECC software set nationwide. He also toured for eight months on April, may, June, July, August, September, October and November.

                Ii. Tour scope During the eight-month tour, the technical engineers of Shanghai Okeyi information technology co., ltd. traveled more than 10,000 kilometers across the country. In addition to Shanghai, also go to Qingdao, Shenzhen, Nanjing, Nanning, Xi 'an, Jinan, Taiyuan, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Tianjin and other domestic ten cities, successively for CSCEC8B Fourth company, Shanghai company, South China, General Contracting, Steel structure, Third companies, Southern company, Qingdao company, Northwest company, First company, Civil company, Dongfu company, Overseas business division, Zhejiang company, Southwest company, Jinan Design institute, Decoration company, Second company, Tianjin (North China) company, nearly 20 eight innings of the molecular company for the national tour and special solution of BIM technology and stable cross training.

                Iii. Tour overview: The tour CSCEC8B of the national technology is oriented in 8B against the background of a new round of purchase Autodesk products, in order to strengthen the eight innings each molecular company relevant technical personnel and professional engineers to learn more about the purchase of Autodesk software engineering construction set (AECC) and for housing and infrastructure that is two big main core BIM tools in the field of software, master under the way of licensing year lease use account to manage the software and use of relevant knowledge and skills to carry out a nationwide by professional technology, tour and special solution plus stable cross and advanced training.? As the AECC purchased by the CSCEC8B contains as many as 21 desktop software and five cloud programs, as well as a cloud disk storage function, the number of tools is numerous.

                This includes not only AutoCAD's popular BIM workhorses, such as Revit, Infraworks and Civil 3D, but also a full range of AutoCAD products, including web and mobile CAD. For CSCEC8B of its branches all over the country, whether it is design institute is engaged in the work of design is given priority to with housing and infrastructure construction, the total package units, AECC as a set of integrated set of BIM tools can provide a series of the most important function of high value, rich and diverse 8B for business of each branch in BIM technology innovation and practical application to provide strong technical support.

                At the same time, because the AECC purchased this time is the new version 2019 and 2020. Especially in 8B of many engineers are familiar with AutoCAD and Revit two software, compared with common use old version before, 2019 and 2020 in the two versions and enhance the function of a dozen or dozens of new and old, involving a number of different fields, and some very practical function, can help engineers in their daily work and projects to solve many problems, can't realize before implementation of a lot of demand.

                In addition, because the new version of the software is all based on account licensing and management of the new way, compared with the previous serial Numbers and product keys to license the way, there is a big difference. Account activation makes it easier to manage software and licenses, avoiding the confusion of managing multiple product licenses. You can also gain insight into the usage of the product and easily download and install the desired tools and software at any time. You can also get the latest and early versions.Engineers can obtain early versions of the three previous versions of the current version from their own accounts as needed, thus ensuring that the software meets the compatibility requirements of all team members. And always keep up to date with the latest releases, so you can deploy updates as needed.

                To sum up, it is the brand new products that lead to brand new technologies and concepts, provide professional and comprehensive solutions, and bring a brand new and perfect management mode. Therefore, in order to let CSCEC8B in its various companies a lot of fighting in a line of designers and engineers and related technical personnel have a clear understanding of BIM tools currently own hands have and their respective features, so in this context to carry out the national technical tour, let everybody through Shanghai Okeyi in accordance with the company send professional engineer details can be clear aware of the function and characteristics of their tools. So that in the future for different projects and professional, can be targeted to choose appropriate tools to apply and implement. In particular, housing and infrastructure.

                Iv. Tour contents: In order to introduce AECC to the engineers of the 8B in a comprehensive and detailed way, and also to better convey the new technical concepts and solutions, as well as the usage methods of account management and other relevant technical functions to the base technical personnel. Shanghai Okeyi in accordance with the company according to the eight innings subordinate branches of the specific business category and actual situation, the specific content of carefully planned tour process, between different branch, according to their different professional field, design the different courses, with as much as possible close to our daily work, satisfy the main needs of project application.

                1)During the tour, the design institute also introduced FormIt Pro and Insight, two BIM tools for architectural scheme design, according to its design characteristics, to meet the requirements of scheme design and elaboration
                2)During the tour, according to the working characteristics of interior and exterior decoration, the decoration company also introduced the BIM special solution of curtain wall deepening and the specific functions of Inventor software, so as to meet the technical requirements of decoration company in interior design and curtain wall deepening

                5. Tour review

                Vi. Tour summary Through the CSCEC8B the regional branch of the country's technology oriented tour and stable cross training, make the job in a line of each major grassroots engineers understand the features of each software tools in the AECC knowledge for different projects can through combination collocation a variety of different tools to form a whole or special BIM solution; Master the new account management licensing and cloud credits to use cloud products. In addition, by learning Autodesk desktop applications also mastered in use

                In the case of Bug reporting or forced return of software tools, you can try to fix the problem by patching the software and enhance the functional features of the software by patching. At the same time, through this program to download and install the Autodesk official development, including the Revit, Civil BIM software such as 3D, Infraworks update plug-in tools such as strengthening or extension, fully enjoy the Autodesk to provide value-added services and related welfare measures, deeply understand the "to do a good job must first sharpen his" means.
                In addition, to facilitate the participation of engineers and designers can review, query, study the curriculum content of the tour, to understand and grasp the latest technology information in time, and at the same time in order to be able to retain the tour related technical data and strengthen technological exchanges and communication with all of you, know all problems and technical requirements in a timely manner. Shanghai Okeyi company also specially launched two welfare measures to provide more convenience for the technical personnel of the eighth bureau in the study and application of BIM technology.
                a)Network disks share technical data permanently Shanghai Okeyi information technology co., LTD has established on the Baidu network backup data Shared folder, to save all relevant technical data in the process of the tour in it, and permanent sharing to all engineers and designers of CSCEC8B, and related technical personnel, in order to look up, you can download, and also a base for future new employees training material, consider.

                The technical information folder will be permanently Shared with all relevant technical personnel of CSCEC8B and will be continuously updated as new products and technologies emerge. Welcome to continue to pay attention!
                b)BIM Technical communication WeChat group Due to the large number of employees in the branches of the 8B, which spread all over the country, the north and the south, and the east and west boundaries, the types of projects built are diverse, and the problems encountered are also different.To facilitate technical problems timely communication and exchange with everybody, Shanghai oklo in accordance with the information technology co., LTD specially established during tour "CSCEC8B BIM technology exchange" WeChat group, for the majority of 8B of engineers and designers with a real-time communication platform and communication technology, at present, the number of members has to be as high as more than four hundred people.
                In the group, you can ask questions directly, and we will provide timely answers or technical support when we see the questions.
                To sum up, through the tour and BIM technology stable cross training also further deepened the Okeyi in accordance with the information technology co., LTD. And Shanghai build relation and interaction between 8B, strengthened the Okeyi in accordance with the company in Shanghai BIM technical engineers work with 8B in a line of various professional engineers and the exchange and communication between engineering and technical personnel. In this way, our technical services can be deeply implemented, so as to better provide BIM technical services for enterprises in the engineering construction (AEC) industry.